I've been wanting to watch this documentary ever since I saw Food Matters. His daughter is in that documentary This documentary states that Dr. Gerson, a German Jew during the second world war. He watched in growing potatoes how fertilizers made
He suffered from migraine headaches. After experiments of eating raw fruit and veggies plus plain cooked veggies his migraines went away, his skin TB also went away. He got his doctorate and started the diet as his clinic. He wrote The Cancer Theory which demonstrated all the forms of cancer could be cured with his care with 50 years of life after 'the cure'. He was helping over 1500 patients when he died. These were patients whose doctors had given up on them and told them they only had months to live.
Chances of Getting Cancer in Developed Nations
1/16 - 1940
1/2 - 2000
Abnormal cells that steal vital nutrients to make itself bigger and eventually kill the host (you).
Deficiency and Toxicity are the two reasons for cancer.
ABC announced 1946 declared that the cure for cancer had been found. He was fired and the anti-cancer bill was killed.
He opened the Gerson Institute in San Diego, California. The hospital opened by Gerson in Tijijuana, Mexico 27 years ago - it is placed in Mexico because the only legal medical treatment of cancer in the US is cheomotherapy, surgery, or radiation. There were a lot of survivors that testified in the documentary about their miraculous survival and cure.
Juicing is one of the ways Dr Gerson realized that bodies that were starved of nutrients could readily help a body recover and be cured. More nutrients are more readily available to the body and you get a lot more. They drink 20lbs of fruit juiced a day, about 13 cups. They also eat raw fruits and veggies throughout the day. And to detox - organic coffee, inserted rectally.
I think it is interesting that this documentary is filmed very roughly by, it seems, inexperienced or possibly just very old technologists. It's obviously very biased towards the Gerson Therapy since it is made by the Gerson therapy. I especially like the part about how toxins are everywhere. The narrator takes you through a day stating that every single thing causes you to come in contact or be poisoned. And that the only way to combat this is to strictly adhere to the Gerson Diet.
While I believe that there are toxins in everything we eat and touch. I also believe there are slim chances that we can change much of our lives such as cell phones, cars, electricity, water, carpet, clothes, etc. However, I also believe taking charge of what goes in will have enormous positive effects.
I would like to know HOW MUCH IT COSTS. :)
There is a lot more in this documentary than I can touch on here. Go watch it. It's on Netflix.
Honestly, eating healthy is a no brainer to stay or get healthy. Why would you not want to live long and healthily, you know - without pain or chronic illness and have lots of energy?
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