Wednesday, September 7

Junk Food Diet

This article from KSL is primarily based on showing one how to lose weight. If you want to lose weight (which helps decrease your chances of getting chronic diseases) you need to control your portion size of food (not necessarily what that food is per say). This is a general rule for losing weight (not for overall health and wellness).
Dr. Mark Haub is an associate professor from Kanas State University. He tried an experiment on himself and this is what he did:

  • 1800 calories a day
  • physical exercise the same
  • 2/3 intake from junk food
  • took a multivitamin pill
  • protein shake
  • some vegetables
He lost 20 pounds and has since not gained it back. He was trying to show his students that the rule for losing weight is portion size. He does not recommend this diet to anyone else. Which is the main response of dietitian Jennie Twitchell. Not every diet works for every person, every body is different and will respond differently to different weight loss diets - portion sizes are the key. As well as if you want an overall health that is good now and in the future, eating healthy foods is a lot better option than junk food, but SIZE SIZE SIZE does matter when it comes to being healthy no matter what you eat.
Now I've never really been one to diet or even see diets as helpful 1) because I've been underweight pretty much my whole life and 2) because I see that unless someone makes lifestyle changes they will lose weight for a short amount of time and then gain it back, which is neither healthy for the body nor the mind. The main points I've learned from this article are that:
  1. portion size controls weight {and}
  2. types of food control overall health

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