Friday, September 9

ABC's Good Morning America - Health

This segment (from Aug. 26, 2011) concerns allergies, vaccines, and natural birth. The audience is definitely for parents.

If you have an allergy 1) communicate when you go to gatherings, 2)bring your own food to a bbq, make sure not to cross-contaminate with the grill or utensils, and be aware that lots of sauces can contain common allergens 3) have a plan, have an epi-pen and be aware. Most allergies are already known by the time someone is in college, but there is a chance that someone can (in college) suddenly realize that they have an allergy. So being aware of what common allergies are and how they are treated is not only safer for others (to help them) but also for yourself (just in case).

School immunizations. This deals with elementary and secondary education immunizations. However, a lot of the immunizations that I was supposed to get in high school never really got done. It wasn't until my second or third year in college that I actually finished up all of my needed vaccinations. Keep a copy of your vaccination record and make sure its up to date.

Natural childbirth usually takes place within a hospital but in a separate wing with a midwife. The cons are that you are taking it all natural - pain. The pros are that its less expensive, it is a calm environment, you're most likely not to have a c-section, if everything looks good you can get off the monitor and get in the jacuzzi, and it's less invasive. However, not everyone who wants one can have one. If you have any sort of medical issue that would label you as higher risk than usual (diabetes, over 45, hypertension, baby's too big) you cannot have one. Half of women who want to have a natural birth cannot have one because of these issues.  I think it is a great idea for women to have the option to choose a more natural birthing way. It is good to know that you have more options than just one when it comes to giving birth.

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