Monday, October 3

MY Health Quest

Today was my second consultation with my nutrition specialist?, I'm not really sure what to call her. Anyway, we went over my goals and started on nutrition. Here is what we went over.
Nutrition Labels: 5% or less is low and 20% or more is high.
I should stop drinking whole milk. :(
Eat snacks!! Your body is programmed to eat every 2 1/2-3 hours. This boosts your metabolism and helps you eat less. And you skip the whole, my blood sugar is dropping and I need that candy bar.
Eat Breakfast! Your metabolism slows at night and hits a low right before you wake up. It gives you energy to start a day out right (not to mention helps mood.....boy did I learn the hard way today). And if you are one of those people that isn't hungry in the morning, its probably because you had too hefty a dinner or ate too late (remember, your metabolism slows at night?....this means your body doesn't digest it very fast and likes to just store it). Which means you should not eat about 2-3 hours before you go to bed.
Check out and see how many calories you need a day and how many servings of what you should be having. It's really convenient. 

  • Go for complex carbs: whole grains, fruits, veggies. 
  • It's whole grain if whole wheat is the first ingredient.
  • Eat five fruits and veggies a day (get those veggies!).
  • Get you some poly and mono unstaturated fats. These include nuts, avacados, peanut butter, and fish. 
  • Eat your lean meat (or lentils, whole grain, beans, and nuts). Your body needs those proteins it can't make itself.
  • Whole milk is probably not the best dairy.
  • Moderate sweets - if sugar in any form appears first or second on the ingredients list - its high sugar. 
I also learned about organic. 100% organic means just that. Organic means it contains at least 95% organic ingredients. There is no legal definition for natural food, free range, and hormone free - anyone can use it, for anything. 
So go to the website and start your responsibility to your health. You can do it.

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