Wednesday, November 23

Additives Causing Your Chronic Pain?

If you're like me you'll realize how HARD it is to find the cause of chronic pain. I suffer from migraines and I find it difficult to find relief as well as stop them from happening so frequently. One can hardly ever find the real cause of migraines. There are some major additives that you can avoid that can help you combat chronic pain and provide overall health. Taken from here.

1. Artificial Sweeteners: Aspertame, NutraSweet, Splenda. Found: in diet drinks and packets on restaurant tables. Adds to migraines. Cut them out completely.
2. Sugar: just plain sugar. Found: everywhere. Adds to muscle spasms. Cut down on intake.
3. High-Fructose Corn Syrup: similar to sugar. Found: everywhere. Adds to abdominal pain and digestive disorders. Cut down on intake.
4. Salt: that stuff on the table. Found: every table and every processed food of America. Adds to water retention which leads to bad joint and nerve function. Cut down on intake.
5. MSG: monosodium glutamate, glutamic acid, yeast extract, hydrolyzed protein, sodium caseinate, and autolyzed yeast. Found: chinese food and processed food. Adds to nerve damage and enhances pain. Cut out completely.
6. Preservatives:bonzoates, monglycerides, diglycerides, nitrates, nitrites, and sulfites. Found: commercially baked goods and anything that last a long time (processed food).

Eat the freshest and most natural food you can and you will get the best micronutrients and be the healthiest.

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