This documentary shocked my knowledge about two things. 1) Milk. 2) Meat.
I think we all can agree that we do not want to get cancer. Am I right? I mean, who wants to die a long, horrible, painful, decapitating death? I sure do not. And I am sure everyone on the planet does not either.
Well, this documentary shows plenty of good supported evidence that the intake of MILK and MEAT in the AMERICAN diet are KEY FACTORS (as in, you eat them you get it) in CANCER. There. I said it.
I grew up thinking milk was one of the best things I could drink because I needed calcium and I especially needed it as I grew up because I'm a woman and as such am prone to getting osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. This is BUNK. Although milk DOES contain a high amount of calcium (which you need for your bones and to prevent osteoporosis) it also contains a lot of protein (less fat = more protein) which, as a animal protein, acts as a toxin, if you will, taking over your body and the fastest and easiest way for your body to deal with this problem is to take the calcium from your bones and get rid of that animal protein caused toxin. What this means is that drinking animal MILK is for animals (you know, those cute little calves), not for humans. It also means that the way we are trying to prevent (drinking milk) problems (osteoporosis) is actually the way by which we are CREATING the problem.
This well documented film does not say that we should not eat any dairy and meat. But it does say that 5% or less of your diet should be dairy and meat. It also proves that having a diet 20% or higher in dairy and meat (common in American diets) shows a direct spike in cancerous cells. The thing is - it's only 15%! That is completely easy to fix. So why don't we fix it?
Well, there is this thing called ... government. The government controls what is taught in schools about food/nutrition and what is eaten in schools. This is how the general population gets their information (ingrained in to their heads) on nutrition. The problem with this is that this government control that regulates the nutrition facts are owned (you know, through contracts and such) by the meat and dairy industry. They are funded by meat and dairy and therefore they're going to give their "opinion" and "fact" towards whoever is funding them. This is ridiculous. The people who set facts of nutrition for our nation should be scientists/nutritionists/doctors. Not people who will be run by more wealthy people.
Meat is also a key factor (same factor) in cancer as dairy (milk). It has the same animal proteins that do the same thing to your body - create cancerous cells/provide a place for cancer to grow.
There are some doctors out there who have learned these things from studies they have studied and have done themselves in places like China, the Philippines, and the U.S. They have proven that the cancer/cardiovascular disease are direct responses to DIET.
They advocate a entirely whole foods plant based diet. It will heal your body. I really want one of these doctors. They keep a list of your previous symptoms, etc. and then they map out a whole foods plant based diet. BUT not only that - they go to the store with you and help you read labels and pick the right foods AND they help you cook them. Who wants a personal chef who helps you buy healthy food and cook healthy food that you will eat and makes you free from ailments such as cancer, diabetes, feeling sleepy during the day, cardiovascular disease, not getting enough sleep, sleeping poorly, weight gain/overweight, and bad moods. I DO!! Send 'em over to my house!
My kids will definitely be eating food I prepare for them and not the food prepared by the cafeteria at school. I am definitely going to cut back on DAIRY and MEAT. Find some alternatives that are healthier and make them taste great. I know the holidays are coming up, but I want to find something that is whole foods plant based to bring into the festivities that tastes great and makes me feel good. I'm going to cut down on meat, less of it, and maybe add fish. I'm going to go for soy milk instead of cows milk and cut down on cheese consumption. What about yogurt? I'm not sure. I don't eat a whole lot of it. I wish there was a magical way I could wave my wand and see what 5% of dairy and meat in my diet looked like. And I wish I could wave a wand and all my shopping and meals would be done for me. But I guess that's what I have right? Processed foods that give me cancer. I better stop wishing and start doing.
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