Friday, November 18


Ever find going to the doctor seems completely pointless? Why?
  • they don't listen
  • they just give you medicine (without telling you exactly what it does to your body)
  • its awkward
  • $$$$$$$
We need to learn how to interact with our medical professionals. Bring a notebook to your doctors visit that journals your pain and symptoms. Do your research on what you think you might have and what types of medication are given for it and what those medications do. Be specific when you ask questions and take your time to think of them. Make use of telephone calls to the office nurse who can give you feedback on certain things so you do not have to go in when you do think of questions. When it comes to medication see if there is something else you could do or try before you start taking medication. Make sure your doctor describes all the side effects of any medications they prescribe and make sure they help you understand what it does to your body. Keep your own good medical records and only go to the doctor when you need to and you can afford it. Take advantage of readily available information on diseases and symptoms and take care of yourself. 

Article on working with doctors.
Some emotional wellness help.

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